BCNET and UBC ARC Speeding up Discoveries of the Universe

October 7, 2021

Before this link, it really limited us. Even things we wanted to do on-site, we were very limited,” said Don Wiebe, UBC research associate, physics and astronomy. “It has enabled a lot of new analysis and operational tasks that we can now do at the telescope site that wasn’t possible. The amount of support we’re getting from BCNET, UBC Advanced Research Computing (ARC) and UBC IT has been phenomenal.”

What secrets does the universe hold? Why is the universe expanding – and how will it end?

To uncover these mysteries requires a novel instrument producing reams of data looking back billions of years, massive computing power and a collaboration of researchers across Canada. And with help from the BCNET Research and Education Network, increased connectivity is speeding up the time it takes researchers to make new discoveries. Read more 

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