Call to Test Alliance Cloud Connect Pilot (ACCP) Extended: Deadline December 31, 2024

December 2, 2024

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance)’s call for participation for researchers to test the Alliance Cloud Connect Pilot (ACCP) is open. ACCP is a new portal that will provide seamless access to commercial and community cloud. Researchers will have the opportunity to test and provide feedback on the web interface, researcher-facing specialized compute services (Jupyter, Galaxy and Magic Castle), identity and access management, and more. The deadline is December 15, 2024.


The Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance)’s call for participation for researchers to test the Alliance Cloud Connect Pilot (ACCP) is extended. The deadline is December 31, 2024. Through this opportunity researchers will early access to the cloud resources on the ACCP platform, a new portal that will provide seamless access to commercial and community cloud. Participating researchers will benefit in many ways:

  • Early access to ACCP services and capabilities
  • The ability to influence the direction of the project
  • Interaction with experts from industry and the Alliance
  • Access to compute cycles and storage
  • Potential access to specialized resources and services

If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete the application form by December 31, 2024. For more information, please visit

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