Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are based on commonly asked questions received by email. Check back often as we will continue to update this page as new questions arise.
How do I add other REDCap users to my project?
Go to your project > User Rights.
Under "Add new users", search for the person by full name or UBC CWL and add user. This user will now be added to your project.
How do I view all the users in my project?
To view all users in your project, check under the "Username" column in the bottom table on the "User Rights" page.
How do I re-activate my REDCap account?
REDCap Flex accounts are automatically suspended after 180 days of inactivity. To keep accounts active, all users need to do is log in regularly.
UBC Faculty or Staff:
If you are UBC Faculty or Staff, please re-activate your suspended account by emailing UBC ARC REDCap Support. Please include the REDCap project you are working on.
Non-UBC Faculty or Staff:
If you are non-UBC Faculty or Staff, please ask your account sponsor to email UBC ARC REDCap Support to confirm they will continue to sponsor your REDCap Flex account. Please include the REDCap project you are working on.
Is Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) required?
REDCap Flex does not currently require MFA. However, if you are enrolled to Enhanced CWL (MFA), you will be challenged.
What support is available?
UBC ARC offers support for the REDCap platform as a service during regular UBC business hours on a best effort basis. Support is available for the use of the platform, technical questions, and guidance regarding appropriate use of the platform and instrument configuration. ARC is not resourced to directly assist research projects with the design and configuration of their projects.
If you have any questions, please email UBC ARC REDCap Support.
I’m new to REDCap; where can I go to learn more?
The "Project Setup” page that every new project has contains steps to guide you through the process of setting up your project, and video tutorials are linked on the appropriate pages for some features.
In addition, UBC ARC has a series of tutorial videos covering different features and aspects of using REDCap that are accessible from our official YouTube channel.
What does “Project status: Development” mean?
REDCap Flex projects have three possible statuses: Development (where all new projects start, meant for design and building), Production (for during data collection), and Analysis/Cleanup (for when data collection has finished). Development imposes no limits or restrictions since any data is assumed to be fake/test data. Production will stop you from making changes that would corrupt, destroy, or alter you collected data; changes in the Designer must be drafted and submitted for approval, and if any potentially-dangerous changes are detected the REDCap Flex administrators will be notified for review (non-threatening changes will go through immediately). Analysis/Cleanup is similar to Production but also prevents new data from being entered (including from survey links distributed in the past) in order to prevent the dataset from changing while you export your data and conduct your analyses.
UBC ARC strongly encourages moving your project to Production before collecting any actual data, and moving it to Analysis/Cleanup once all data has been collected.